Who Doesn’t Drink Alcohol in BTS? The Real Truth

Known for their chart-topping music and captivating performances, world wide sensations BTS have a reputation for being one of the most hardworking and dedicated groups in the K-Pop industry.

To keep up their busy lifestyles and demanding the careers, the BTS members take good care of their health. Of course, that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy an alcoholic beverage from time to time.

But is there any member who doesn’t drink alcohol in BTS? Here’s the answer to your question.

Who doesn’t drink alcohol in BTS?

In a nutshell: All the BTS members have consumed alcohol in the past, but some members drink less than others. Keep reading to find out which BTS member doesn’t drink much alcohol at all.

Korean drinking culture

When discussing which idols do or don’t drink, it’s important to understand how prevalent “drinking culture” is in South Korea. In South Korea, drinking is a common and accepted part of socialisation, both in personal and professional settings.

In fact, bosses may even encourage employees to drink at work events. Plus, Jinro soju, one of the country’s most popular alcoholic beverages, has been named the highest-selling spirit in the world for over 20 years.

Photo by Nguyễn Mẫn

There are a couple of reasons behind this custom. For one, in Korean culture, there is a long-standing emphasis on building relationships through shared experiences. Drinking together is seen as a way to bond with colleagues, friends, and even strangers. It’s seen as a social lubricant that helps to break down barriers and create a sense of camaraderie.

Widespread drinking culture may also stem from the work-life balance in South Korea. The country is known for its long hours and intense working culture, especially among busy professionals in Seoul. As such, many employees turn to alcohol as a way to relax and unwind after a long day.

K-Pop idol drinking culture

Alcohol isn’t just for everyday people. Even idols generally enjoy drinking too, despite being seen as role models for young people.

Back in 2019, the South Korean government banned alcohol companies from featuring idols’ faces on their packaging, in an effort to curb youth drinking. However, idols still continue to accept brand deals for alcohol brands. These commercials are actually some of the most highly paid and highly coveted jobs in the K-Pop industry.

The BTS members are no exception to this. In 2021, the group was unveiled as the new endorser of Kloud Beer, a popular local beer brand created by Lotte Chilsung.

Who doesn’t drink alcohol in BTS?

So, who doesn’t drink alcohol in BTS?

the culture in South Korea, along with BTS’s beer deal, it should come as no surprise that all of the members drink alcohol from time to time.

However, there is one member who doesn’t drink very often.

V (Taehyung)

The member who stands out among BTS here is V, also known as Taehyung. Despite being known for his outgoing and social personality, V is not a frequent drinker.

In fact, when BTS member J-Hope was asked to rank the members’ tolerance for alcohol at a fansign, he placed V as the second least tolerant—only after himself. People who have a low tolerance for alcohol generally experience more unpleasant effects than positive ones; they may become dizzy and nauseous, with a greater likelihood of being sick or passing out.

Since V’s tolerance is so low, he’s known to often abstain from drinking altogether. Instead, he opts for non-alcoholic beverages. You can spot this dynamic in a past BTS Festa clip; while the other members were seen drinking wine, beer, and soju, V chose to stick with his trusty Coca Cola.

All this being said, V isn’t opposed to drinking completely, and he has been seen consuming alcohol in the past.

Interestingly, V’s aversion to alcohol isn’t his own somewhat unusual drink preference: he also doesn’t like coffee. While some think the problem is the caffeine content, V’s real reason for avoiding coffee is its bitter taste


None of the BTS members abstain from alcohol completely, but V certainly seems to drink the least alcohol. And, as expected from BTS, his fellow members never pressure him into changing his mind. Drinking alcohol is a personal choice, and one V’s friends always respect.

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